Here are some quick html tips
tip number one The Title.
here is the code for that title i have just made:
ok so quick explanation:
all html code goes into tags and in the picture i used the style tags and the h1 tags.
These symbols < > with the name of the tag inside say that that's where the tag starts and these with the same name in them say where it ends.
The style tag lets you use css(another web language for adding colors and formatting etc.) in your html code.
Style code:
It's pretty understandable first the # means im talking about an id and if i apply this id to anything in html it will get the attributes i set between { }.
In the #title{ }:
background-colour: the color of the background of anything with this id
color: means the color of the text
border-color: the colour of the border
Note: those things that im setting the colors to are called hex color codes you can find more here
border-style: the style of the border solid,dotted etc.
border-width: the size of the border in pixels
it means we are creating a heading
Note: inside the h1 tag it says id="title" that means that it will have the attributes of the title id from the style tag
what ever you put between the h1 tag and the /h1 tag will be the title
you get heading tags from h1 to h6(h1 being the biggest font size and h6 the smallest)
that is how you make a title in html and css
Note: if you were making website you would need more tags and it would look like this