Wednesday 13 May 2015


Programming simply put is the creation of computer programs(software).
In this blog i will be teaching you some programming languages. A programming language is a way in which we communicate with the computer(give it instructions). each programming language has its own IDE/compiler. An IDE is a integrated development environment or simply put the place you write your code and the compiler which converts the code into something the computer can understand usually an .exe file(executable file). If you download an IDE it usually has it's own compiler built in.

Here are a list of IDE's that i work with and the programming languages i use them for:

Visual studio express - i use this for programming in visual and c#.

JetBrains pycharm - i use this for programming in python.

Brackets - i use this for html(and in my opinion it is the best html editor).

notepad++ - it is a great tool to keep around and comes in handy when scripting.

NOTE: all of these tools are free and you can find them with a simple google search.

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